In Japan, financial regulators have been bearing down in an investigation into insider trading that started in 2010, after a series of suspicious stock moves ahead of share offerings. 日本的金融监管机构正在竭尽全力调查始于2010年的内幕交易。此前,在多宗首次公开募股(IPO)交易之前股市出现了一系列可疑迹象。
British financial authorities have concluded their investigation and notified Mr. Ford that they plan to take enforcement action, a spokesman for the British Financial Conduct Authority said in an email to The Times. 英国金融市场行为监管局(BritishFinancialConductAuthority)的发言人在电子邮件中向时报表示,该国金融部门已经结束了相关调查,并通知了福特,他们计划采取执法行动。
Did you hear that Mike was involved in a financial fraud investigation? He will surely be put in jail. 你听说麦克涉嫌经济诈骗了吗?他肯定会被关进监狱。
The Flow of Back-home Migrant Workers under the Background of Financial crisis: Investigation on "10 Villages in Six Provinces" 金融危机下留乡农民工流向:六省十村的调查
The Use of Financial Investigations in the Investigation of Drug-related Crimes 金融调查在毒品犯罪案件侦查中的运用
FINMA, the Swiss financial markets regulator, has launched an investigation into the theft. 瑞士金融市场监管局(finma)已对这宗数据失窃事件展开调查。
The CPAs study the company's accounting records and gather other evidence regarding every item in the financial statements through the investigation. 注册会计师通过调查来研究公司的会计账簿并搜集与财务报表各项目有关的其他证据。
Stuart Levey, Treasury undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said that the investigation confirmed that Banco Delta Asia had turned a "blind eye" to illicit activity by North Korea. 美国财政部负责反恐及金融情报的副部长斯图尔特利维(stuartlevey)表示,调查证实,汇业银行“无视”朝鲜的非法行为。
A financial times investigation revealed some of the tactics used by the Chongqing government in taking control of private businesses and showed that even now these companies are still controlled and run by people who do not own them. 英国《金融时报》在调查之后,并发现一个事实:直到现在,控制和经营这些企业的,仍然不是它们的所有者。
Another driver of legal internationalisation is the activities of governments in areas such as financial investigation and regulation, frequently targeting both companies and executives in multiple countries. 法律国际化的另一个推动力量是政府在财务调查与金融监管等领域的活动,这些活动常常是以多个国家的公司与高管为目标。
International factoring is a comprehensive financial service which is to provide business credit investigation, management of account payable and credit risks guarantee for the credit sale of international trade. It is one of the intermediary services of commercial banks in our country. 国际保理业务是为国际贸易赊销方式提供的集销售帐务管理、应收账款收取、信用风险担保和贸易资金融通为一体的综合金融服务,在我国目前属于银行中间业务的一种。
Study on the Mode of Financial Management of Group-type Investigation and Design Enterprises 集团型勘察设计企业财务管理模式研究
This article introduces the main strategy of criminal financial investigation in European countries: that is to reveal the fund management of illegal income, with the purpose of preventing the consolidation of criminal enterprises 'market position and weakening the influence and control of their fields; 文章介绍了欧洲各国金融刑事侦查的主要战略:揭露非法收入的资金管理,目的是阻止犯罪企业在市场地位的巩固或者削弱其所在领域的影响力和控制力;
Financial Innovation and Monetary System Investigation into Stability 金融创新与金融体制稳定性研究
It also introduces two tactics of financial investigation: compose the financial formation picture of criminal enterprise; 还介绍了两种金融侦查战术:绘制犯罪企业的金融构成图;
The paper includes the theoretical research on macro-financial risks, the historical investigation of financial crises and the realistic analysis of financial risks in China. 论文主要由宏观金融风险的因素理论研究、宏观金融风险和金融危机的历史考察以及中国宏观金融风险的现实分析三部分组成。
Forensic Accounting plays an important role in financial investigation, financial losses calculation and other areas. 法务会计在财务调查、财务损失计算等领域发挥了巨大作用。
In the paper the author analyses the path dependence and adaptive efficiency of post-war Japanese financial system, through the investigation of the formation, the development and the collapse of post-war Japanese financial system. 本文通过考察二战后日本金融制度的形成、发展和劣化的过程,探讨金融制度变迁的路径依赖和适应效率问题。
This paper analyzes the issue from the perspective of financial contracting theory, based on a thorough investigation of financial system evolution in developed countries. 本文在对世界上几个主要国家的金融体系演变历史进行考察的基础上,从金融契约理论的角度分析了这一问题。
Study on Financial Crimes in Network and Countermeasures in Investigation 论网络金融犯罪及侦查对策
Strategy and Tactics of Europe Criminal Financial Investigation 欧洲金融刑事侦查的战略和战术
Characteristics of malfeasant financial crimes and relevant criminal investigation 渎职型金融犯罪案件特点与侦查对策研究
It is the urgent demand for financial practice in China to carry on further investigation on legal problems of the financial holding company and put forward the corresponding legal measures. 对金融控股公司法律问题进行深入研究,提出相应的法律对策。
Forensic accounting plays a great role in court, especially in respect of litigation support, financial fraud investigation, detection and prevention. 特别是在提供诉讼支持、调查和预防会计舞弊方面,司法会计发挥着重要作用。
The office of harmonization for the international market is just a specialty administration for legislation, execution, technique and financial. The investigation and prosecution for identification of trademark infringement are not to through punishing and orders, include detaining fake commodities. 而欧洲内部市场协调局只是一个立法、行政、技术和财政独立的机构,不能通过处罚或命令来组织查处商标侵权行为,也不能命令扣押假冒商品。
In the financial early warning, not only quantitative investigation but also qualitative investigation is important. 在财务预警中,不仅仅要定量研究,定性研究也是很重要的。
Sigma in the "insurance regulation" also pointed out an article or lax supervision and weak regulation is caused by the subprime mortgage crisis, the root causes, and national policy makers or regulators are sub-prime crisis on financial institutions to improve the Governor investigation. Sigma在《保险监管问题》一文中也指出监管松懈或督查疲软是造成此次次贷危机的根本原因,而各国的政策制定者或监管部门也在次贷危机后努力提高对金融机构的督查。
Tax Inspection Efficiency refers to tax inspection effect and proportion of human resource, material resource, financial resource and time used on tax investigation. 税务稽查效率是指税务稽查效果和用于税务稽查的人力、物力、财力和时间等资源投入的比例关系。
Secondly, as capital market participants, if they tend to obtain stable dividends income, besides analysis financial index, the investigation of political connection is also important. 其次,对资本市场参与者来说,如果是倾向于获得稳定分红收益的投资者,除了分析企业财务指标外,还可通过对董事会政治关联的考察选出心仪的投资对象。